Detroit don’t destroy our dreams!

We arrive at the Memphis International Airport at 2pm, check our bags, and breeze easily through security and head to our gate, which just happens to be the closest one to security? Yes! At 3:27 we get on a plane and cram our large carry on bag under the seat in front of us, but it can’t fit so we use my panda pillow pet/most trusted sidekick “Geoffrey” to cover up the fact that my bag isn’t all the way under! Haha our journey continues with the strong and glorious aroma of Lays potato chips from a bag in the hands of the lady next to us. From the start, we learn valuable information from this lady, like how George Clooney is getting married and signing a $220 million prenup!
So as we are preparing to take off, we have some flight troubles leaving us in a panic because it delays us about 30 minutes when we have only 45 minutes (now 15) to get on our flight to Amsterdam before it takes off without us, taking with it our adventure that has barely had a chance to start.
So let’s talk about our fellow passengers shall we? Well in the row directly in front of us are my family members, and we’re with strangers in the row behind them. And the row directly behind you and I, oh yea, there are three babies. Three adorable little babies who are crying at the top of their little lungs. But we aren’t mad. By no means! We take on this challenge to see if our “being able to sleep anywhere under any conditions” skills can handle this! If not, there is our headphones and blasting Ellie Goulding on full volume as a second option. Oh but what is this? Here comes the flight attendants with snacks and beverages! Sweet happiness! What is that? We can get coffee? How have I never known we can get coffee on a plane? Well, they only give you one thing of creamer, but we find that in crisis situations, we can drink coffee in any form.
So let’s return to our flight buddy, the lady with the chips and George Clooney knowledge! She is probably at least 55 years old, very laid back, and will continue to pull out bags and bags of different types of chips and snacks. She’s like the queen of Snackland, and I’d like to be a part of her kingdom. Maybe she has a son I could marry? Hmmm…The Prince of Snackland! I like the sound of that. It sounds… Delicious. It’s like Willy Wonka but with cliff bars and fruit roll-ups!
So the rest of the flight passes very quickly, and although we never checked how long the flight was supposed to be, it feels as though it were so quick and that instead of a plane, we rode a time machine.
So we land and we run for our lives across the busy Detroit airport and we listen and panic as we hear over the intercom “last call for non-stop flight to Amsterdam” so we run harder through the trippy colorful airport tunnel whilst dogging businessmen and twirling little ballerinas. We let go of all of our pride as people stare at us running for our lives with a panda pillow pet in our arms. Once A24 is in sight we almost tear up at the fear of being too late, but alas we make it with seconds to spare, go inside, shimmy past flight attendants, look for an an overhead bin with an empty spot, find our seat, and catch our breath and thank the great Lord Jesus for keeping the plane there just long enough for us to make it! Amsterdam here we come! We’re ready for you! 🙂



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